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Building affordable smart cities

Get on the journey of owning a home with just N500,000 deposit, or a plot of land in our smart city with N50,000 deposit.

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Building affordable smart cities

Get on the journey of owning a home with just N500,000 deposit, or a plot of land in our smart city with N50,000 deposit.

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Building affordable smart cities

Get on the journey of owning a home with just N500,000 deposit, or a plot of land in our smart city with N50,000 deposit.

When you think real estate, think Savana

We are a fast developing real estate company with the vision of actualising peoples dreams of owning modern homes on a budget.

Savana help People own a home

How we help People own a home

Pay 60% down payment and get your key🔑

Pay 60% deposit for a house and get your key

Outright or 3 months

We hate fees as much as the next person, thats why we charge zero interest rate on outright purchase or within 3 months payment plan.

12 - 60 months payment plan

Who doesn't love flexibility? Buy a plot in any of our estates. Pay as low as N50,000 initial deposit and spread the balance up to 60 months.

Savana homes
Savana homes
Savana homes
Savana homes
Savana homes
Savana homes
Savana homes
Savana homes
Savana homes

We Build Affordable Smart Homes

The real estate narrative is changing every day with constant innovations and technological advancements making it easy for smart living. Homes are now automated and fun to live in. With a touch of a single button, you can control your home. Savana Smart Homes bring all the touch of comfort to your home with our smart features. Homes are no longer boring.

Savana Homes
Savana Homes

Are you buying for investment, commercial or residential purpose?

With savana smart homes, you can buy for either Residential, commercial or for investment purpose. Whichever purpose we got you covered


Building affordable smart cities

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